Meet The Author
Sal Sawler
Sal Sawler is the award-winning author of the regional bestsellers Be Prepared: The Frankie MacDonald Guide to Life, the Weather, and Everything (co-written with Frankie MacDonald), 100 Things You Don’t Know About Atlantic Canada — For Kids, and 100 Things You Don’t Know About Nova Scotia. Their first picture book, When the Ocean Came to Town, is available for preorder now.
My Books
Be Prepared: The Frankie MacDonald Guide to Life, the Weather, and Everything
100 Things You Don't Know About Atlantic Canada for Kids
100 Things You Don't Know About Nova Scotia
You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.
– Madeleine L’Engle
Sweatpants Program (Halifax Fringe Festival)
ABOUT THE SHOW Everyone knows parenting isn’t easy. But for Sweatpants, the job gets completely out of hand when they're faced with an inconsolable baby, some vague advice—and a mysterious and mystical creature who may not have their best interests at heart....
Belle Starr: An Early Fake News Story
In my line of work, there can be a lot of wasted material. I might do a half hour interview and only use a couple of quotes, or I could write a whole piece that never gets used. Recently, I read an article about how Google Maps caved to Russian pressure and agreed to...
Top Secret News: Revealed!
A couple of weeks ago, I was working away in a coffee shop when I noticed a call coming in on my phone. I didn’t notice at first, because I keep my phone on silent most of the time (otherwise, I forget to turn it off and it rings at the most embarrassing times, like...

Get in Touch!
Sal Sawler